Friday 30 January 2015


Am I the only one that looks around and thinks "wow, that girl is wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt and is rocking it. I actually tried to look nice today and I feel like a slob"?

I know the answer is no, I'm not the only one who thinks like this, in fact I know it's perfectly likely that a stranger might think I look nicer than them today. Except probably not, because in my sleepy stupor leaving the house at 6:30 this morning I forgot to not wear my grey boots with my grey leggings and long grey socks so that my look isn't called 15 shades of grey. 

The even more likely outcome is that no one else will even notice my attire on their personal journeys through today. Even if they did, I'm never going to know if someone has that thought. And they'll never know what I think. 

So why do I care so much??!? 

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