Tuesday 18 August 2015

In the last few months of my life, a lot has changed. I'd like to think that I'm on the path to finding out where life is going to take me (career wise), but I feel like I'm just getting more and more lost. For most of my life, I was confident about what I was going to do when I grew up. If my mind hadn't changed since I was very young, I'd probably be striving to be a vet or a doctor. Little Katie hadn't realized how squeamish she really was. I spent most of junior high and high school thinking I was going to graduate and go to university to be a band teacher. Sure enough, I did. I started out at Grant MacEwan playing the saxophone and hoping that my music degree would give me a foundation for teaching music. It wasn't for me. I'm not built to be a professional musician. As much as I love music- playing it, teaching it, listening to it- I am not destined to play music professionally. So I transferred schools in hopes of working towards my education degree. A year of classes in that program left me feeling more lost than ever about what I want to do. I feel nothing pulling me in any direction. I love a lot of things- music, fashion, makeup, healthy eating and fitness, games, teaching, drawing and crafts, working as a barista... but none of them feel to me like they could be the one thing that I pursue as a career. And this scares me, a lot. I know I'm still really young and I have a lot of time to figure things out, but I feel like there's a clock ticking and I have to settle into a steady job within the next few years. Everyone tells me that this is the time in my life I need to use to go to school and get a degree, but I just feel like I'm trudging along, not really making any progress. I'm still going to school in the fall, (in 2 weeks, yikes) but I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm just taking some random courses and hoping things kind of fall into place, eventually. Not that I don't worry and stress about it.