Thursday 29 January 2015

today, I made a blog

I was chopping up tomatoes and cucumbers and cooking quinoa about five minutes ago when I decided that it was time to have a blog.
I think some pretty funny and creative things, and I think I should be documenting them. I'm too lazy to write everything on paper, but I can type pretty fast. And watching the words come up on the screen almost as fast as I think them is a lot more satisfying than slowing sounding them out in my head as I scrawl out my thoughts on paper. I'd still be writing the word quinoa if I was manually writing in a journal.
I have no specific intentions for this blog, other than making posts about whatever I'm thinking about that day. I'm thinking it will be kind of like a journal, but with a lot of extra stuff. Like with book or music reviews, a random thoughts, million dollar ideas, a funny stories, whatever I feel like. So if you're reading this, don't expect anything from me. Not that *I* am expecting anyone to even be reading this. But who knows, maybe I'll become super famous and you'll be reading this 10 years in the future because you're super fangirling/fanboying over me and you are checking every single result that comes up when you type my name in on google because you want to know every little detail about my life. If that's the case, that is super awesome. I personally and genuinely thank you for being a fan of mine. and if you're a friend or family member of mine that is reading my blog because you want to know what's up with me, or maybe I made you read it, thank you! I love you!
Today is January 29, 2015. (I definitely typed 2014 first, because it will probably take me most of this year to get used to it being 2015 and not 2014. and then it will be 2016 and the vicious cycle of confusion will never end.) This morning, I woke up at 4am for absolutely no reason, but touched my nose and realized that my ring was missing. I just got my nose pierced about a month ago, so chances were good that if the ring had been out for more than a few hours, some skin would have grown over again. I ran upstairs and tried to put another ring back in, and almost blacked out. I kid you not, I have never been so freaking dizzy and nauseous in my life, I thought I was dying. I stumbled back downstairs and lay back down in bed, unsuccessful in repiercing my nose. When my alarm went off 2 hours later, I tried again to stab a shiny piece of metal into my face, and almost passed out again. But this time I did it before nearly blacking out. In retrospect, I think the sensation of pushing metal through my own skin was what was making me black out, but I was pretty freaked out at the time.
So anyway, that was my morning. My day was a lot better after that. After Education 100, I had coffee with a friend from school that I met in concert band, Michelle! She's an international student from China. She's probably the sweetest person I've ever met. And now I'm making my lunch and writing my new blog. I actually had the idea earlier on the bus when I finished the book Paper Towns by John Green, because I wanted to write a post about it and discuss it with myself. So I think I'll make a post about that later today.


  1. "I wanted to discuss it with myself." Too cute!

  2. Yeeeeah! i'm excited to read your blog. :)!
