Friday 20 February 2015

Is this what being sick is like for everyone? Or is it just me

Day 1: The throat pain. That pain that isn't really that bad, but you know exactly what's coming. That's right, sickness. And there's nothing you can do about it at this point. You know it's coming and you have to let it happen.
Day 2: The throat pain gets worse. Now it hurts when you swallow, and your voice craps out on you sometimes, mostly at the very worst times. Like right when you're trying to talk to a customer at work, and they're like "great. the person serving me my coffee has infested it with gross germs and stuff."
Day 3: The throat pain is bad now. Bad enough for you to take a day off to recover, and watch the pile of homework and studying and practicing that you had mentally piled up for reading week collect a layer of dust.
Day 4: Did the day off help? Nope. Throat is even worse now. Just drink tea and watch tv all day and hope it feels better tomorrow.
Day 5: Yay, sore throat is almost gone! But guess what? You are stuffed up to high hell. Pronouncing the letter "M" is as impossible as closing your mouth without suffocating.
Day 6: All that stuffy stuff is now leaking. out. of. your. face. You sneeze approximately every 12.5 seconds. You have to blow your nose every 6 seconds. All of the mucous and phlegm (my 2 least favourite words, by the way) make the front of your face feel heavy.
Day 7: I guess I will find out tomorrow.

Monday 9 February 2015

I brought pasta salad for dinner and I forgot a fork

Imagine if you will, because it's pretty funny, me trying to eat my pasta salad with my fingers. I could only pick up like 2 things at a time and it's slimy and things kept falling out of my fingers and I just looked rather silly. If I wasn't so hungry I'd have waited until I got home but I have 4 more students to teach, and I wouldn't make it. My stomach would curl up and eat itself. 
Anyway, two of my students that are siblings always bring me treats for every holiday. Over the years I've been teaching them, their gifts have gotten bigger. They really spoil me. My Valentine's Day gift was kind or chocolates and a $25 chopped leaf gift card, how awesome is that?? I'm super lucky. 

Mondays are weird days for me. They always start out awful, but by around 10am I'm in a super great mood and it usually stays that way for the rest of this day. I don't really understand why, it's kind of like my brain having a very bad response to the start of the week, but once it adjusts, it's all good. This morning, I was particularly cranky. I woke up thinking, "I hate this. I never want to get out of bed. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to work, I'm going to quit life and watch TV until I die." Thank goodness that mood didn't last very long. 

Sunday 8 February 2015

I'm sitting here watching The Mindy Project (excellent and hilarious show, by the way) and I have this inkling to go downstairs and organize my room. There is so much shit in there that I don't need and it would make me feel so good just to purge some of it.
But I can't motivate myself to get off of my butt.
I also really want to eat but I'm not even hungry.
There are so many better things I could be doing and SHOULD be doing but I. have. zero. motivation.

Does this happen to everyone or is it just me?

Monday 2 February 2015

The Story of How I Won Roll-Up-The-Rim at Starbucks

Today I was walking to my second class of the day, thinking about grabbing a coffee when someone with a Roll-Up-the-Rim cup walked past me. I thought, "YESSSSSS, the time of year during which I can shamelessly gamble while buying coffee has returned!" I go to Tim Hortons a seriously embarrassing number of times during roll-up-the-rim season. Nothing is more satisfying than winning a coffee from a free coffee from a free coffee. Even though that has actually happened to me maybe once or twice, the mere possibility that it can happen is enough for me to stray from Starbucks- the coffeehouse to which I am usually loyal and provides me with the quality beverage I desire (not to mention my partner discount), to Tim Hortons, where the probability of my drink tasting the way I want it to is even lower than the probability of me winning Roll-Up-The-Rim.
This brings me to my riveting story of the day the best of both worlds collided when I won a free coffee from Tim Hortons while working a shift at Starbucks. 

It may come as a surprise, but in my 1 1/2 years of employment at Starbucks #4995, I have noticed that probably 75% of the garbage we collect in our drive-thru bin are cups from other coffee-selling establishments. I like to think that they wound up in our garbage can because our customers attempt to purchase a coffee elsewhere, take a few sips and realize that they have made a huge mistake, and immediately drive right to our store to replace their drink with something delicious and made with love by one of my coworkers or myself. I am aware that this is likely not to be the case.

One day when I was emptying the drive-thru garbage, I noticed a Tim Hortons cup sitting on the top of the garbage, in practically immaculate condition, rim-unrolled. I figured there was no harm in checking to see if it was a win, I couldn't think of any horrible diseases I could contract from picking up a used paper cup. As it turns out, it was a winner! My coworkers shamed me for my excitement because a) I was enthusing about Tim Hortons while wearing a green Starbucks apron and b) I had just picked through the garbage to receive something of a $1.70 value. My excitement was not hindered.

After class today, Kelsey and I (its our 9 month anniversary today, yay us!) grabbed breakfast and then coffee from Tims. I am currently drinking it and will keep you posted as to whether or not I am a winner.

Update: I didn't win.